Support for adults and relatives in divorced families.
Guidance for kids and young people navigating life in separated or blended families.
Dansk , English , عربي
Svenska , English , عربي
Íslenska , English
You do not have free access to SES through your municipality.
But you can get started for just DKK 299 per month.
Contact to explore your options.
You have free access through your municipality.
Fill in the fields below to get started right away. Choose your own username and password.
Anonymous user information abstract
I accept the Terms and Conditions
Anonymous user information terms
I hereby confirm that the information I have given is correct as this is required to receive free access to the programme.
SES, the given Municipality of Residence may at any time check the validity of the given information by conducting system reviews or requiring me to submit any appropriate documentation.
If it is later found that I have not given the correct information and thus was not eligible for free access to SES, I accept that SES is entitled to charge me 500 DKK for each month I have commenced while having illegitimate access to SES.
I hereby confirm that I wish to sign up to SES for a fee. The price of the service is DKK 299 per calendar month, to be paid up-front when charged on the first of each month. The first calendar month will be paid for in full, despite registration potentially taking place later than the first of the month.
I may terminate my access to the service at any time up to the end of a calendar month, cf. the Terms of Use.
The payment covers me personally and any others with whom I share a residence. I am aware and agree that I may not share my access information or password with others.
Anonymous access sworn statement
Are you an adult? Create a ONE user here.
Are you between 6-18 years old? Create your own NXT user here